Conversation starters for Christian Dating sites

Conversation starters for Christian Dating sites

Breaking the Ice

You have just prayerfully (hopefully) joined your first Christian dating site to make some new friends and hopefully meet someone special. You see a nice guy or gal that you would like to contact. But then you freeze! “What am I going to ask this person?”, you think to yourself. “I could use some tips on what to say to start a conversation” you say. We at Tulip Singles wanted to give you our suggestions based on the many people we have spoken with on to help in this endeavor. We have come up with five conversation starters ideas for Christian dating sites that we have compiled for use on Tulip Singles, our Christian dating site for reformed singles.

Starting a conversation whether you are a man or a woman can be a bit daunting. Fear of rejection or asking a dumb question is the primary reason why many of us don’t write that first introduction to another Christian dater.

The truth is that asking a thoughtful question is an attractive quality to reformed Christian daters, especially online Christian daters who quickly tire of vague questions like “How are you?” and “How was your day?” On a dating site, a more targeted inquiry like “What are your pet peeves?” or “What’s your favorite place in the whole world?” stands out and invites a reply.

5 Christian Dating Site Starter questions to ask
Thoughtful questions to online daters can get you a response

When you meet someone online, you have to create a connection through that initial conversation. Good questions are like stoking a fire. If you pile enough wood on, the conversation starts to warm up.

Here are 5 basic tips to help you get started!

  • Open with a greeting (hi, hey, hello, etc.) and put the name of the person next to your greeting if possible. Don’t be dull and leave it there though!
  • Find something that stood out to you about their profile. It can be something as simple as a book they’re reading or an activity they enjoy. Comment on that!
  • If you have something in common, be sure to mention it. This helps to establish a connection between the two of you.
  • Comment on a photo or video they uploaded on their profile and offer a sincere compliment. Don’t get carried away though for the first time!
  • A little charm and charisma go a long way! Don’t be afraid to open up your first message with something funny. Who said Calvinists can’t be humorous! 😉
5 Christian Online Dating Conversation Starter questions is a great first step in a Christian date
Great first conversations are a first step in meeting a potential spouse

God is ultimately in control

Remember, as Calvinists, we believe God is in control of every aspect of our lives, including our dating lives. He has also given us our communication gifts (some people more than others), to ask thought provoking questions. Use discernment, pray, seek godly advice, and use some of the above ideas to start a conversation with the person you are interested in getting to know. By using some of these conversation starters for Christian dating sites, you can be confident that you will have more success in starting conversations with other reformed online Christian daters. Remember, how you write intriguing conversation is the first step in getting the first date. To join Tulip Singles and create an account to try out some of your discussion starters, click here

Tips for Great Reformed Singles Dating Profiles

Reformed Singles Dating Profiles

Let’s talk about Christian Singles Dating Profiles. In the world of Christian online dating, it is extremely important to have a catchy dating profile. This is the first thing people will notice about you while browsing profiles on a dating site. Make sure it’s good. We have compiled what we think are some Tips for Great Reformed Singles Dating profiles.

Photos Photos Photos

Probably the most important aspect of the profile are your pictures. It has been determined that the more photos a person has in their profile, the more attention they get. Yes, that square showing your face can reveal a good deal about you. Here are some photo tips to help you put your best foot forward in the world of Reformed Christian online dating. You don’t have to be the best-looking person to follow them either!

Great Reformed Singles Dating Profile Picture
Nice Profile Picture

Main Profile Picture – should be a clear “straight on” upper body / headshot of yourself. Do not wear sunglasses or low brimmed hats in this picture as these items will hide the full view of your face.

friends spending time together with guitar
Interest is Important

Photo Gallery – Add additional photos to your picture gallery. Make them interesting – with you as the main focus as much as possible.

animal bear big blur
A Big Smile 🙂

Smile – This is very simple. Smiling gives others a sense that you’re friendly, warm, and approachable. Plus, it’s just plain attractive. Who wants to message someone with a serious or somber expression? No one! So, show those pearly whites!

Nice full length Reformed Singles dating photo for gallery
Dapper Dan

Be Well-Groomed – This means teeth brushed, hair combed, beard trimmed, and a nice, casual outfit. You don’t have to dress in anything fancy. Just something clean and coordinated will do the trick. Think about how you would like to present yourself on a first date. Online dating is no different. You want to give a good impression and possibly connect with someone, right? So, put some effort into your appearance!

green trees near lake and mountain under blue sky
A beautiful backdrop adds interest to your photo

Surroundings – Pay attention to what’s behind you when snapping that shot. No one wants to see a messy room with clothes thrown about everywhere. Yup, those cluttered bathroom selfies need to go too. This could have a negative impact on users glancing at your profile. You want them drawn to your face and not that roll of toilet paper in the corner! Car selfies aren’t ideal either. We suggest having a family member or friend with a great camera take a head, half-body, and full body shot of you in an area with good lighting. Use the close-up for your profile pic and add the rest as secondary photos.

Exercise photos for Reformed Singles Profiles
Exercise photos show you are not a couch potato

Action Photos – Adding a few action photo’s will give the viewer a good perspective on what you like to do, the height of you vs others, and also it shows you are not sitting around being a couch potato. A picture of you playing sports, playing a musical instrument or weight lifting make great action photos.

Rounding out your dating profile

Well written Reformed Singles Dating Profile gets you noticed
Take your time to create well written paragraphs and answers to questions on your Profile

While profile photos are extremely important, writing a paragraph or two about yourself also lets people know more about who you are, your views on what you are looking for, and even your sense of humor. Keep the following in mind when you are writing that About Me or Interested In paragraph. These following additional tips for Reformed Singles Dating Profiles should help you create the best dating profile possible.

  • Grammar Counts – Write concise, grammatically correct sentences. Don’t use short cut emoji’s and symbols to try to express what you should be able to say in words. Many people find poor grammar a big turn off and proper grammar shows you care about how you’re expressing yourself.
  • Keep It Positive – Don’t talk negatively about some (or all) of your problems. We all have our share of troubles and no one wants to go on a date with someone that has a downer personality.
  • Be Honest – Being truthful in your profile is of utmost importance. Let people know what you are looking for and be as specific and honest as possible. Be truthful when telling them about yourself and make sure your photos are current and accurately reflect how you look without photoshop and filters.
  • Profile Questions – If your profile includes questions answer them fully. This is your opportunity to express yourself and let people know what you think about the topics brought up by your profile questions. Make use of it.

Tulip Singles for Reformed Christian men and women

Lord willing, our goal at Tulip Singles is for our members to meet someone on our website. Single Reformed Christian men and women have a bit more of a challenge in meeting other like-minded single Reformed Christians. Our Reformed dating app is built with the concerns of Calvinistic singles in mind. We hope these tips for great Reformed Singles Dating Profiles may help you create a great Tulip Singles profile. If you are considering joining a Reformed Christian dating web site, we highly recommend you give us a try!

Top 5 Reasons to Join a Reformed Christian Online Dating Site

Top 5 Reasons to Join a Reformed Christian Online Dating Site

Not too long-ago young Reformed Christian singles would meet others through family and friends, dances, parties, activity clubs, or churches. In recent years, a new phenomenon has entered the world of dating and courting. Nowadays, many Christians are choosing online dating to find someone special. Could there be reasons why this is happening? Well, particular to singles in the Reformed Faith, there are some benefits to a Reformed Christian online Dating site. As reformed Christians, some church goers are members in small reformed churches where finding a like-minded man or woman to court and eventually marry is limited. Reformed churches are spread out, there are small numbers of single people, and the selection of a mate is limited.
So it is not always simple for Reformed single women to meet Reformed single men and vice versa through traditional means. This makes joining a Reformed Christian dating site something to prayerfully consider. Let God lead you in this area of your life. We all have hopes and a desire for marriage. God places tools along the way of life to help us many times and online dating, if used properly, can be a tool to place you in a position to meet many new potential mates.

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Reformed Christian singles looking for marriage

Here are the Top 5 Reasons why you should consider joining a Reformed Christian online dating site.

An Online Reformed Christian dating site is easy to join

Do not be afraid to give online Reformed Christian dating a try as they are easy to join. You need to create an impressive online dating profile. If you do so, it becomes easy for other individuals to find you and get a clear picture of the kind of person you are plus the type of spouse you are looking for. Most sites have a free period of membership to give you time to test out the site, browse the profiles, and meet potential people that might interest you. Make sure you have a nice picture and fill out all information accurately. Pictures should be a bust head shot (think school pictures). Don’t wear sunglasses and no low brimmed hats. On Tulip Singles, we have additional questions that you will answer to give people a better understanding of who you are and what you are looking for. Fill this out completely and BE HONEST!

A wide selection of potential mates

The list of potential mates is more extensive than your geographical location, and it is just a click away. There are a lot of people you can connect with which makes it possible for you to pick whomever you want to meet. You can always browse across the site, and you will get a glimpse of quality reformed Christian singles from diverse locations. So try online reformed Christian dating to see if you might just find the one the Lord has chosen for you.

Reformed Christian Singles
Reformed Christian Singles are waiting to meet you!

Meet Christians outside Your Church Circle

Your church may be small in terms of the membership; thus you may not always be able to meet singles in your church community or the people physically near you have already met someone. That means you may experience limited spouse selection. However, having only a few people around you does not mean that you should be without a partner. Online dating is an excellent option for you. On such sites, you have an opportunity to meet people outside of your church circle as well as from distant locations.
You do not have to simply settle for a friend because you have limited choices available. Try an online Christian dating sites, and you will be amazed at how you will be able to connect with people far from your social and church settings. You may even find a like-minded reformed Christian to marry.

Cost effective approach to dating

A lot of Christians have had expensive dates only to end up with empty pockets at the end of the date and a “maybe” for a next date. For the cost of lunch, you can purchase a membership for a period of time to get to know new people on the site. Over time, you can narrow your selection down to a few people and focus on getting to know them better. Also, you will have fewer “get to know you” dates with the person you are getting to know to be relatively confident in taking the relationship to the next level. On Tulip Singles we also have live Zoom Group chats that allow you to get to know people in a virtual group format. Virtual games, and topics of discussion act as ice breakers and has been very helpful in getting to know reformed Christian members on the site.

You can meet Reformed Christian Men or Women

The importance of a a niche market Christian web site is to bring together like minded Christians. Most of the members of such Christian online dating sites confess the same religion or theological thinking and in the case of Tulip Singles, we espouse the Reformed traditions of the Protestant Faith. Typically, most reformed Christians want to get married to someone like minded in their Christian thinking. That said, a reformed dating web site such as Tulip Singles that individually vets each member to ensure they are reformed gives you the best chance of meeting that special “reformed” someone.

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Meet the one God has chosen for you!


If you are looking for a reformed Christian husband or wife and do not know where to find one, it is about time you considered an online reformed Christian dating site. It is incredibly easy to join with a wide selection of potential mates. If you are in an isolated area, you can increase the number of people that interest you and once you register, you have a large group of like minded reformed Christians to chose from.
