What is Tulip Singles?

Tulip Singles is a Reformed Christian Singles dating site composed of two parts, predominantly the dating website and secondarily, the Tulip Singles Blog. The site was built to try to assist in the dating and courting desires of the single men and women of the Reformed Community.

The Tulip Singles Website and App

Reformed Christian Dating WebSite for Presbyterian and Reformed Baptists
Tulip Singles Main Page – Reformed Singles Dating Site

Tulip Singles dating website and app is dedicated to the single reformed Christian men and woman who believe in Reformed Theology (i.e. Calvinism). It was developed as a venue for like-minded reformed men and women to meet each other through messaging, emails, and audio/video communications. Members can search by age, location, church affiliation and more. Our site creates matches for the member and sends them to your email of record weekly. You can also view a reformed events calendar to find reformed events near you (desktop version only – mobile coming soon).

The Tulip Singles Blog

crop unrecognizable man typing on laptop

The Tulip Singles Blog (which you are currently reading) is for reformed Christian dating and courting discussions and helpful Blog posts on issues related to our dating website. It is a place to give hope and encouragement during reformed men and women’s single years. It is NOT the actual dating site. This can be found at TulipSingles.com. We at Tulip Singles wish to make our Blog a repository of useful information not only for Christian Singles, but for the proclamation of the Gospel worldwide.

What we believe

What we Believe
Statues of William Farel, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, and John Knox. These men were influential in the development of the Reformed Tradition.

Reformed theology developed out of the Protestant Reformation and was heavily influence by John Calvin and other men who developed the Reformed Tradition during the 16th century. The Reformed Tradition has a rich history and in modern times, Calvinism as it is also known, is largely adhered to by the Presbyterian, reformed Baptist, and Christian Reformed churches throughout the world.

Tulip Singles - Christian Dating

In the past, the Reformed Faith was the predominant thought in the Protestant community in North America, but as time marched on, other Protestant church denominations developed and fell away from the core traditional reformed beliefs.  Biblical reformed churches have become smaller and harder to find, especially in North America.

Tulip Singles – A new approach to reformed Christian dating and courting

reformed single woman waiting for reformed single man
It’s hard to find singles in the Reformed Community

One area of the Reformed Community that has been most affected by the advent of smaller reformed church communities is in the area of courting and dating.  It is extremely hard to find like-minded Reformed single Christian men and Reformed single Christian women as many of them are spread over wide distances, their churches are smaller, and the selection of a mate is limited.  As mentioned earlier, this blog and the Tulip Singles.com website were created in an effort to provide a venue for Reformed Singles to overcome these challenges and build friendships, fall in love, and eventually marry.   We have worked hard to create a safe environment where people can meet Reformed single Christian men and Reformed single Christian women. We are dedicated to the Reformed Christian community and want to assist Reformed Christian singles in their desire to meet other reformed singles who are spiritually like-minded for Love, Devotion, and Marriage. We are also going international to enable reformed singles to meet each other world-wide. If you are asking yourself “Where are the Reformed Christian singles in my area?” then Tulip Singles is a site you should consider joining.

reformed calvinist single man and woman meet
Finding reformed singles is possible on TulipSingles.com

Excellence is in our Character

Tulip Singles World Wide reach
Tulip Singles is going International

We are the premier Christian online dating web site world-wide for Reformed Christian singles.  We believe in excellence and use industry best practices for our website to include the use of state of the art web technology, daily malware security scans, an extremely stable website architecture, and anti-fraud processes and technologies. We are hosted in a leading world-wide hosting environment with 99.99% up time, regular backups and we do not change our user interface every 6 months as other dating sites do.

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