What information does Tulip Singles LLC collect if I decide to join the Tulip Singles LLC social community?
Complete our online registration form, where we ask you to provide us with information about you such as your name, your email address, your gender, your date of birth, your location details. You also have the opportunity to provide other details about yourself. Because you control your user profile, these details are available to you at any time by accessing your “profile” page, which gives you the chance to correct or update (other than gender) your information at any time by just logging in to Tulip Singles.
Once you have created a profile, we will automatically track certain information such as your IP and email addresses.
For safety and security and to ensure you have the best possible user experience, we require users to photo verify their accounts. We want to make sure you are a real person and look the same as your profile photos.
What information does Tulip Singles collect about me if I am under 18?
You can only become a member of Tulip Singles if you are age 18 or over or the age of majority in the country in which you reside if that happens to be greater than 18. That means Tulip Singles does not knowingly collect any information about children, minors, or anyone under the age of majority. Nor do we knowingly market to children, minors, or anyone under the age of 18. If you are less than 18 years old, we request that you do not submit information to us. If we become aware that a child, minor, or anyone under the age of 18 has registered with us and provided us with personal information, we will take steps to terminate that person’s registration and delete their Profile information from Tulip Singles. If we do delete a Profile because you violated our no children rules, we may retain your email and IP address to ensure that you do not try to get around our rules by creating a new Profile.
Does Tulip Singles collect my personal information if I am not a member and just visit the site?
NO. We don’t collect any personal information about visitors to our site. If you do visit us without becoming a member, we will place session ID cookies on your computer. For more information about cookies generally, look at the answer to “How does Tulip Singles collect information about me?” below.
If I put other information about me on the site, what does Tulip Singles do with it?
Tulip Singles is designed to make it easy for you to find, connect and interact with other members of Tulip Singles by posting information about yourself. When using the site, you should assume that anything you post or submit will be publicly viewable and accessible by users of the site. You can also use our electronic messaging system, which allows you to communicate with other users privately. We recommend and encourage you (and all our members) to think carefully about the information they disclose about themselves. Do NOT include in your profile or publicly post your last name, telephone number, residential address, links, e-mail addresses, or social media account/contact information. This information may be shared via private message only. Also do NOT share credit card details, national identity numbers, drivers’ license details, and other sensitive information in your profile or via private message that is open to abuse and misuse.
Please remember that photographs or any video clips that you post on Tulip Singles may reveal these kinds of sensitive personal data. Where you do upload and choose to tell us sensitive information about yourself, you are explicitly consenting to our processing your information and making this public to other users.
When you post information about yourself or use private messaging, the amount of personal information you share is at your own risk.
What does Tulip Singles collect about me if I use the mobile app?
Tulip Singles offers you the opportunity to stay in touch with the friends and contacts you’ve made no matter where you are. You can do this by using your mobile phone or by downloading an application to your desktop that allows you to share your location with other users.
When you use your mobile or desktop application, we will collect information about WiFi access points as well as other location information about your longitude and latitude. That information helps us identify your physical location so that it can be displayed and shared with other members choosing to view “nearby” posts.
If you do not want your location to be known, then please do not download the desktop application or use your mobile device when you are on Tulip Singles.
What is collected from me if I use Tulip Singles’ premium services?
When you take advantage of Tulip Singles’ premium features, we collect the financial information necessary to process your payments as per your chosen payment method. Please note that we do not store any credit card or other payment card details. However, our payment service providers do and are approved to do so by all applicable regulatory bodies.
When you access Tulip Singles we collect certain technical information about your computer system or mobile device and statistical data. We use this information to improve our site and user experience.
Can Tulip Singles collect information about me from other sites I use, such as Facebook?
If you have registered on one of our partner websites, such as Facebook, your profile will be available to all users of the Tulip Singles social network whether via our site or our partners’ websites.
Remember that when you register with a Tulip Singles partner, you are also giving them personal information, so we recommend that you read their privacy policies as Tulip Singles does not control how they use their information.
If you have registered on one of our partner websites, such as Facebook, or you have verified your account via a partner website, we may connect your Tulip Singles profile with your profile on such partner website. We may do this by way of new products and applications which we introduce from time to time, including new products powered by our group companies.
If you have verified your account through a partner website and do not want to link your Tulip Singles profile to your profile on the partner website, please go to the “Verifications” section on your profile page and click “forget this account”.
If you have created a Tulip Singles profile through a partner website and you do not want to link your Tulip Singles profile to your profile on the partner website, Tulip Singles cannot amend these settings. Please visit the application settings on your partner website profile and follow the instructions to remove the Tulip Singles access permissions.
Does Tulip Singles collect any other personal information about me?
If you contact our Customer Support team via support@tulipsingles.com, we will receive your email address and may track your IP address as well as the information you send to us to help resolve your query. We will keep records of our communications with you, including any complaints that we receive from you about other users (and from other users about you).
Will Tulip Singles contact me?
On your “Settings” page Tulip Singles offers you the opportunity to receive emails from us about new message notifications or other purposes related to the use of the site.
Does Tulip Singles use my personal information for any other purpose?
We may use material that you post on the open access areas of Tulip Singles in advertising and promotional materials on our partner sites and partner products with your permission. We believe these uses allow us to improve our site and better tailor your online experience to meet your needs.
Your email address will never be sold and is only used for Tulip Singles purposes. We will use your email address to send you occasional specials, updates, and a newsletter via an external email system. You agree that by registering you are allowing us to send you these emails. You will be given the ability to unsubscribe from these emails by clicking an unsubscribe link located at the bottom of the email.
We use your personal information to resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, and enforce our Terms and Conditions.
What are "cookies" and what "cookies" does Tulip Singles use?
We collect information by placing cookies on your computer or mobile. A cookie is a piece of text stored on your computer or mobile by your web browser. They are basically a tool that stores information about website visits, recognizes you and your preferences each time you visit Tulip Singles, and ensures site functionality, and enables us to provide the services our members request.
When you visit the publicly available sections of Tulip Singles, a session ID cookie is placed on your computer that only lasts while you’re visiting. We also place persistent cookies (also known as local storage devices) on members’ computers, so that Tulip Singles remembers them and makes their login experience faster and easier. We may use persistent tracking cookies on your mobile device, mainly for security protection purposes, such as to prevent phishers, scammers, unauthorized log-in attempts, and to help you access your hacked account. We do not use any information whilst you are logged off.
You may set your browser and your mobile settings to block cookies and local storage devices, but if you do so, you may not be able to access the features that Tulip Singles offers.
Tulip Singles uses cookies and local storage devices for a number of reasons, including to ensure the security of our site, to provide you with features you have requested, and to analyze how members and visitors use Tulip Singles. Tulip Singles’s uses of cookies and local shared devices so that we know who you are, what interests you and so that you can do the things online that you want to do, like chat with new people, share your content and buy Super Powers knowing that your data will be secure. Our use of cookies and local share devices, including the specific cookie names, may change over time, but will generally fall into the above categories. Please visit this page regularly so that you are aware of any changes.
If you would like to know more about cookies, including flash cookies/local storage devices, the following websites provide useful information:
When I put information about myself on Tulip Singles, what do the other users see?
To ensure you get to meet as many people as possible on Tulip Singles, other members get to see your username and any information you post on your Profile, including photos if you select the 'Any users' access setting. Any information you choose to provide should reflect how much you want other Tulip Singles members to know about you. You can also choose to limit the information that other users see by adjusting your privacy settings on the “Settings” page.
What am I allowed to do with other user’s personal information?
Use it to meet new friends and make new contacts! Beware that you may not use other users' information for commercial purposes, to spam, to harass, or to make unlawful threats. Tulip Singles reserves the right to terminate the accounts of those who misuse other users' information.
What information does Tulip Singles collect about my friends and contacts?
You can choose to invite your friends to join Tulip Singles to make sure that they also get the benefits of meeting new people. To make it easier to search and find friends and acquaintances on Tulip Singles, users may search for other members by email address. If you want to invite your friends and contacts to Tulip Singles, we will send an email invitation from Tulip Singles in your name or you can send an SMS (if you use our Android or iPhone app) to your friends and contacts encouraging them to sign up to Tulip Singles. If any of the individuals you have invited do not register within a few days, Tulip Singles may occasionally send reminder emails on your behalf to those individuals. You can choose to invite all your friends or only a select few by simply unticking the names of those friends you do not wish to invite, but please remember you must not invite any children to join. You are responsible for ensuring that your friend has agreed to receive a Tulip Singles invite.
When you import your contacts, we store their name and email address or their mobile number so that we can automatically connect you and your friend. Tulip Singles does not sell these email addresses or mobile numbers or use them to send any other communication besides email invitations. The friend may contact Tulip Singles to request the removal of their information from our database by clicking Contact. Any such request will only apply to addresses or mobile numbers we have at the time of the request and not to any addresses that the member/user provides to us later.
Does Tulip Singles sell my information to other parties?
Not at all. We do not sell or rent out any personal information about you to any third party. Tulip Singles discloses aggregated non-personal data for marketing and promotional purposes. That means we do not disclose any information that could be used to identify you.
Does Tulip Singles disclose my information to other parties?
We may share aggregated information that includes your personal information (but which doesn’t identify you directly), together with other information including log data with third parties for industry analysis and demographic profiling and to deliver targeted advertising about other products and services.
In particular, in relation to targeted advertising, we use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Website. These companies may use information about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.
If you choose to, we may share your information with vendors, service providers, and other carefully selected third parties to improve our services to you, such as by facilitating payments. We ensure these parties must adhere to strict data protection and confidentiality provisions that are consistent with this Privacy Policy.
Tulip Singles also wishes to maintain a healthy community, and we will cooperate with all law enforcement inquiries and with all third parties to enforce their intellectual property or other rights. We may also disclose your personal information to government or law enforcement agencies, or private parties, as required by law when/or, in our sole discretion, we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our legal rights, or those of third parties and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on us.
In the event that Tulip Singles or any of its affiliates undergoes a business transition or change of ownership, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, re-organization, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, or in the event of insolvency or administration, we may be required to disclose your personal information.
Where is my personal information kept?
Tulip Singles is a global website operating through servers located in a number of countries around the world, including the United States. If you live in a country with data protection laws, the storage of your personal data may not provide you with the same protections as you enjoy in your country of residence. By submitting your personal information, or by choosing to upgrade the services you use, or by making use of the applications available on Tulip Singles, you agree to the transfer of your personal information to, and storage and processing of your personal information in, any such countries and destinations.
How does Tulip Singles protect my personal information?
Tulip Singles has implemented reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect and prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control, including your personal information. Tulip Singles uses reasonable security measures to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information such as secured servers using firewalls. Our technical experts at Tulip Singles work hard to ensure your secure use of our site.
While we take reasonable precautions against possible security breaches of our website, member database, and records no website or Internet transmission is completely secure and we cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches will never occur. We urge you to take steps to keep your personal information safe (including your password) and to log out of your account after use.
We cannot guarantee the security of your personal data while it is being transmitted to our site and any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information we have procedures and security features in place to try to prevent unauthorized access.
How do I help keep my information secure?
You may not disclose your password to any third parties or share it with any third parties. If you lose your password or give it out, your personal information may be compromised. You must change your password immediately via your “Settings” page. Tulip Singles cannot be held responsible for your failure to keep your password secure.
How do I change my profile?
You can review and revise your profile information at any time. Once you register, you will be able to review and change much of your personal information including:
1. Your contact email address.
2. Your profile, photographs, and videos.
3. Your city, region, and country of residence.
4. Your password.
Please promptly update your information if it changes by signing in to your account and following the screen prompts. We strongly urge you to periodically change your password to help reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your account information.
Users in certain jurisdictions are, in accordance with applicable law, entitled to exercise a right of access to personal information about themselves by asking for a copy of the information we hold about them (for which, where allowed by law, we may charge a small fee).
Can I delete my profile?
Per our policy, you agree to keep your profile account within our system for a period of 30 days from the time of registration. Once the 30 days have elapsed, users of the Tulip Singles network have the following choices to delete their profile from our database:
1. Send a message via support@tulipsingles.com.
2. Sign in with your password and delete your profile. These options are available from your “Settings” page.
To prevent abuse and/or misuse of Tulip Singles by a user following termination or deletion of a profile/account we shall retain such information as we deem in our sole discretion may be necessary to ensure that the user does not open a new account and profile in breach of our Terms of Use and to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations.
Warning: Even after you remove information from your profile or delete your account, copies of that information may still be viewable and/or accessed on the Internet to the extent such information has been previously shared with others, or copied or stored by other users or to the extent such information has been shared with search engines. We cannot control this, nor do we accept any liability for this. If you have given third-party applications or websites access to your personal information they may retain such information to the extent permitted under their terms of service or privacy policies.
What happens if I do nothing?
If you have not signed in to Tulip Singles for one year, we may remove your profile as part of our data cleansing process.
Your Tulip Singles account is non-transferable and any rights to your profile or contents within your account will be cancelled upon your death.
If you have questions about our Privacy Policy or how we collect and use information, drop us a line via support@tulipsingles.com
This Privacy Policy was last updated on February 21, 2024.