Christian Singles Dating Site

Welcome to the Tulip Singles Blog! Tulip Singles is a Christian singles dating site and app exclusively for Reformed Christian singles who are serious about pursuing godly relationships and marriage. Our #1 goal is to get our members off the site and wed! Man was not created to be alone but to have the love and companionship of a spouse. Our blog was built to assist Reformed Christian singles navigate the world of online dating!

The Tulip Singles AppThe Tulip Singles Blog
Reformed and Calvinistic Christian WebsiteBlog paragraph on Tulip Singles discussing what makes a good Christian Singles dating profile
Reformed Christian Singles Dating Site
App Login / Registration
Reformed Christian Singles Dating Site
Blog Articles / Resources
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The Tulip Singles Dating Website and App are dedicated to the single reformed Christian men and woman who believe in Reformed Theology (i.e. Calvinism). It was developed as a venue for like-minded reformed men and women to meet each other through messaging, emails, and audio/video communications. Members can search by age, location, church affiliation and more. Our Reformed Christian Singles dating site creates matches for the member and sends them to your email of record weekly. You can also view a reformed events calendar to find reformed events near you (desktop version only – mobile coming soon).

The Tulip Singles Blog is for reformed Christian dating and courting discussions and helpful Christian Single Blog posts on issues related to our dating website. It is a place to give hope and encouragement during reformed men and women’s single years. It is NOT the actual dating site. Please note that the Blog is ever changing and information is added to it over time. We will include interesting articles and links to other Reformed resources on the web. We wish to make our Blog a repository of useful information not only for Christian Singles, but for the proclamation of the Gospel worldwide.
