Part of what Tulip Singles wants to promote are healthy relationships. We want to help reformed singles make wise choices when selecting a mate. Of course, we do not wish to replace guidance from parents, pastors, or closely trusted friends but we wish to augment their advice with Biblical and God centered resources on dating, courting, and marriage. We are in the process of collecting Online Dating, Courting, and Marriage Resources in an effort to build a library of web information that may be of interest and help to Reformed Christian Singles. Use these resource to help gain insight on what it takes to have a God Centered dating/courting relationship which, Lord willing, leads to marriage. We divide this information up into the following categories. (In process – Please wait while we add initial content)
Websites with useful articles from a Reformed perspective on Dating, Courting, and Marriage.
Interesting Blogs from a Reformed perspective related to Reformed Dating and Courting.
Links to Books and Articles from authors who write on the topic of Singleness, Dating, and Courting from a Reformed Christian perspective.
Links to Podcasters who discuss Singleness, Dating, and Courting from a Reformed Christian perspective.
Links to Artists who have a Reformed Christian background and use this directly or indirectly in pursuit of their artistic expressions.
Links to Musicians who are known to have a reformed background and who’s music is reflective of their understanding of the Reformed Faith.
Links to Short Films and Docu-dramas about historical events within the Reformed Tradition and Protestant Reformation.
Links to Reformed Christian Singles Events
Please be patient while we continue to add additional Reformed dating resources to the above category lists.